Sunday, January 23, 2011

Shut it

So for a long while now I have been struggling with being judgmental.  Since I've been eating healthier and doing Insanity it seems like this problem gets worse.  I have done better about not telling people what I think but I still find myself thinking about it in my head.  I'm constantly bitching about people who eat fast food, drink coke, etc.  I have tried to just focus on myself and it does help but it seems like Satan likes to work his way into my head.  Its like the better I do for myself, the more I point the finger at others.  This is not a good combination.  So I guess I'm writing this to get it out there, and if I do say something to anyone I apologize.  I feel like I can help people with health, fitness, etc but I've gotta help myself first.  I don't know if I can make a career out of any of this but I have been able to help a couple of people and it feels awesome! However, Satan attacks when he sees some kind of threat, and I believe that personal health and overall well being is a threat to him.  Happiness equals positivity, positivity equals strength for others, these are things Satan doesn't want us to have. 
   So, I just wanted to get that off my chest. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Later peeps

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Start

  I don't know if this will last long at all but I'm gonna give it a shot and see what happens.
  I guess I will start by giving a run down of the year so far.  Its been really good for me personally, nothing to complain about at all, which I am very thankful for.
  I'm not much for making New Years resolutions so instead of trying to start P90X again in the new year, i thought I would start in December.  I tried it earlier in the year and did OK for the first month, my main focus was wanting to look better physically and that was about it.  This quickly lead to me failing because I had the wrong motivation, it became easy for me to drink more coke products and eat a bunch of fast food.  This, in turn, gave me no energy to work out and therefore I stopped doing the workouts. 
So fast forward a few months later and after going to the gym with my brother 2 nights a week, I wanted to step it up and do more.  I started by reading Tony Horton's new book called Bring It.  What I read in this book has pretty much changed my life drastically.  The things I learned about nutrition and overall well being was astonishing.  After reading the book I decided that in order to achieve my goals physically I had to change my focus from just wanting to look good, but also (more importantly) feel good.  So, I decided to completely change how I eat.  This has lead me to an awesome way of life. 
  Here are a few of the things I would deal with on a normal basis : depression and anxiety (I overcame these a while ago mainly due to Ryland being in my life plus working out at the gym once or twice a week), headaches (I used to get them about 3-4 times a week), migraines ( once a month usually), fatigue (tired after work and naps during the weekends).  After just a couple of weeks of eating very healthy and exercising, all of these things are GONE. 
  Its amazing to me that people try so hard to get into shape, complain and worry about their own ailments, but don't change what they put in their bodies.  From my personal experience in just several weeks I have noticed HUGE changes for me just because I have cut out coke products, gluten, sugars, sodium, and other things that are harmful to me.  Don't get me wrong, its not easy, about 90% of the things in my kitchen have these things in them, but with some research, will power, and a desire to live a better life, I have increased my intake of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and water.  Its not nearly as tasty as what I might like, but considering I don't have to deal with all the ailments I listed earlier, its more than worth it. 
  This blog won't always be about healthy foods and working out, its just what I wanted to share right now, so I hope it was worth your time (if anyone actually reads this).  later peeps
